
"DIE !!" was the first "W.e A.bout U.s" project. After we had finished the trailer"SEXBOMB" for the book "SEXBOMB" we had published, we decided to make a cut, to take a look back and "restart" our projects. We did not want to carry on with "ATOMBUSENTRANSPORTE" the way we had before - this also included our band-project "BRUSTKREBS" as it was originally founded as part of "ATOMBUSENTRANSPORTE"- and "SEXBOMB" had in fact been already an attempt to somehow comprehense the "Atombusentransporte"-theme. In "DIE!!!" we presented the "Sexbomb"-trailer and showed a collection of older work. "Die!!!" was also the "birth" of the POPTUMOR, who was implanted in public for the first time.

"DIE!!!" consisted of three rooms: