CV AtomicTitCorporation
Selected documentation of artistic works
(performances, collaborations, publications, releases)
The AtomicTitCorporation was founded in 1999 and formerly called 'Atombusentransporte'.
It is an artistic interdisciplinary research project and exists due to interest.
We, the constant members Itty Minchesta and Dr. Legasto, have so far focused on a variety of themes including eg.
-how to create space for a very short time
- how to research
- poetological ethnology
- zombiism and self-management
- labour and failure
- sickness/disease and its relation to popculture
- the phenomenon of romanticising containerization / how to fall out of frames - the (abusive) use of headphones in so-called public spheres
- the (im)possibility of subversion
- the sexual history of the atomic bomb
All research projects have been performed live or have been exhibited. We have always tried to choose the appropriate media for each research project which in the process has brought us- especially in the last two years- to mainly using the form of lecture-performances including electronic cutup music. We have published several books, comics, audio works and records and administrate this webarchive.

Die AtomicTitCorporation, 1999 als 'Atombusentransporte' gegründet, ist ein künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt und besteht aus Interesse.
Die ständigen Mitglieder Itty Minchesta und Paul Dose versuchen u.a. Schwierigkeiten, Fehler, Streit, Leidenschaft und Öffentlichkeit mit Hilfe von Text, Musik und Bebilderung zu simulieren- sie arbeiten kontextbezogen und interdiziplinär. Angetrieben von und beschäftigt hat sich die ATC u.a. mit folgenden Themen:
- wie man für eine kurze Zeit einen Handlungsraum erschaffen kann
- was Forschen bedeutet
- poetologische Ethnologie - Zombiismus und Selbst-Management
- Arbeit und Scheitern
- Krankheit und ihre Beziehung zur Popkultur
- das Phänomen der Containerisierung / wie man aus dem Rahmen fällt
- der (Miss)brauch von Kopfhörern in sogenannten öffentlichen Räumen
- die (Un)Möglichkeit von Subversion
- die sexuelle Geschichte der Atombombe

Die Zwischenstände ihrer Forschungen präsentieren sie kontextabhängig in Form von Textheften, Büchern, Musikveröffentlichungen, Videos und Malerei.


Das Ganze Set
Lecture-Performance, Eine Welt aus Hack 'Thee Ausstellung',
WestGermany, Berlin
Malcolm, Bobby, Sid 'n' me
Lecture-Performance, Queerpunk Festival Berlin
'Ich bin nicht einverstanden', Beitrag zu Transmitter, Programm des FreienSenderKombinats Hamburg
'Neonwasserhähne erfinden' - Ein Interview mit der AtomicTitCorporation, Beitrag zu testcard #19, 'blühende nischen'


'postcards from the near future pt.II - nur die hälfte des gehirnes ist betroffen', Lecture-Performance, GartenKunstNetz e.V., Hamburg
‘you can find me in the lexicon, the lexicon’, Archivbegehungen, Migros Museum, Zürich, Switzerland
‘schrankaffe’, Performance, Westwerk, Hamburg
'postcards from the near future', booklet


‘oelsandfelddestillation’, Radioplay, Radio Arthur, Switzerland
‘BrokenSocialScenario Pt.II / Amoklauf im Wald’, Lecture-Performance, Gallery POW, Hamburg
‘Zombiism as strategy’, Performance, cooperation with HUNGER, Astrastube, Hamburg
’I need your head’, exhibition and production of an essay film on DVD, Festival GROUND3, The Hague
‘unlimited liability’, group exhibition, Hamburg
‘Fame and Glory’, Lecture-Performance, Literaturclub ‘Rodiyssee’, Komet, Hamburg
‘ArtSchoolConfidential’, Lecture-Performance, Kunstraum Vorwerkstift, Hamburg
‘Songs from the Walkmansect’, Performance, w/ Carla Bozulich, Knust, Hamburg
‘Electric Dress’, Performance, Spartacus, Potsdam (workshops for women in the field of electronic music production and stage technics)
‘This ain’t no rock’n’roll show’, Performance, Theaterkate, Gießen
‘The Future of Music’, Performance, Symposium ‘Operation Ton, Kongress für musikalische Zukunftsfragen’, cooperation with Rockcity e.V. , Hamburg, Westwerk, Hamburg


‘Evergreens from the Walkmansect’, Performance, MS Stubnitz, Rostock
‘Gute Kunst Interview’, Performance, Kunsthaus Hamburg ‘Containerkaputt’, Performance, Hafenklang, Hamburg ‘BrokenSocialScenario’, Lecture-Performance, Vol.# 3 'Copieren und Verfälschen’, group exhibition,
Künstlerhaus FRISE, Hamburg
Release ‘Evergreen’, DVD, Lecture-Performance and music videos, AtomicTitCorporation
‘Society is a hole it makes me lie to my friends’, Lecture-performance, group exhibition 'unlimited liability',
´EVERDREAM` Exhibition and lecture performance, Knoth und Krueger, Berlin
'Evergreens from the Walkmansect', Exhibition, Kunstverein LINDA e.V., Hamburg
'Evergreens from the Walkmansect - In a puddle of mud', Audioplay and booklet
‘Der dreissigjährige Beat’, Performance, Kalkbreite Zürich ‘Evergreens from the Walkmansect’, Performance, Golden Pudel Klub, Hamburg


'Evergreens from the Walkmansect', LP on ‘sozialistischer-plattenbau’
Series of booklets:
'I need your head-this ain't no rock'n'roll show'
'Nacht des Wissens'
'Hier Itty Marblove-Minchesta, was kann ich für sie tun?'
'Into tha club and out again
'I can’t relax in Deutschland'
, Performance, w/ Knarf Rellöm, Scheune, Dresden
'Hier Marblove-Minchesta', Performance, Ladyfest Nuremberg
‘Nacht des Wissens’, Performance, Galerie der HfBK, Hamburg


'Songs from the Walkmansect', Performance, Ladyfest, Dresden
'Songs from the Walkmansect', Performance, w/Les Georges Leningrad, Amtrak, Fundbureau, Hamburg
'Songs from the Walkmansect', Performance, Artspace Freitagsküche, Frankfurt a.M.
'Songs from the Walkmansect', Performance, Festival Gegenstroem, Nuremberg
The sad story of the lost poptumor’ Performance, Exzess, Frankfurt a.M.
'The Headphone-Project' on Tour, Performance, eg. at
Festival Roskilde, Denmark; Paris, Les Voutes; Bordeaux, Zoo Bizarre; Paris, Placard Festival; Basel, Kaskadenkondensator; Zurich, Sue Ellen Bar; Umbertide Festival, Italy , Frankriijk, Amsterdam; Aalborg, Denmark, Golden Pudel, Hamburg
Download the Introduction:english / francais

'The Headphone-Project' & Book release celebration ‘Die Kopfhörer-Sekte’, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg


Release 'Die Kopfhörer-Sekte', theoretical and fictional research of the term ‘desynchronization’, artistic strategies in urban space, HfBK Hamburg/stora/ATC
Download the Introduction: deutsch
Diploma, Diploma and Performance, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg
(Prof.Michael Haller / Prof. Gerd Roscher / Prof. Sabeth Buchmann)
'2Wett', Performances, w/ Hawnay Troof, France, Germany and the Netherlands


'2Wett', Performances, w/ Hawnay Troof, France, Germany and the Netherlands 2003 '2Wett', Performances, w/ Xbxrx, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles
'BroostKrew', Performance, Ladyfest Hamburg
Touring with 'BroostKrew', Gender Tuning in Public, Performance, w/ Snowsuit, Milano, Zürich, Munich, Leipzig, Cologne etc.
Launching the webarchive ‘’


‘Brustkrebs’, Performance, Ausland, Berlin; Club 007, Prague; Komm, Nürnberg; Kalkbreite, Zürich; Basel etc.
together with XBXRX/ USA
‘The Poptumor’, Performance, ArtGenda Hamburg
‘Die!Die!Die', Exhibition, ‘Hinterconti', Hamburg
'Sexbomb - Menschen&Atome' ,VHS Shortfilm 'Sexbomb - Menschen&Atome' Graphic-Novel
(HfBK Hamburg/Medienökologie/ATC)


'Milleniums-Show' w/ Mariola.Brillowska, Felix Kubin and Richard v.d. Schulenburg, Molotow, Hamburg
Touring and exhibiting with ‘atombusentransporte’


Mobile Café, tiny book-and recordshop, exhibitionroom, Ultra-Violence- Performances and start of band ‘Brustkrebs’ all based on the discurse of Sex, Gender, Feminism and related politics
Touring with the ‘Atombusentransporter’ through Germany and Switzerland